Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Donation Contacted us Uniting science, people, technology and innovation for a conservation and sustainable management of the Congo

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Uniting science, people, technology, and innovation for a conservation and sustainable management of the Cameroon’s natural resources as well as its conservation.

The Cameroon, the second largest forest of the Congo basin massif, is essential for our planet’s health and survival. For its sustainable management and conservation, we are bringing together the power of science and technology, the traditional knowledge of local people, and the support of everyday people like you to create innovative conservation and management solutions that balance people and nature’s needs.


A broader approach to the conservation and sustainable management of the Cameroon’s natural resources as well as its preservation



Improving Conservation and Sustainable Management of Threatened Species in Angossas Communal Forest of Cameroon Under Logging and Human Pressures

Funding source: Project Leader: Cédric DJOMO CHIMI

In-situ Conservation of Highly Solicited and Threatened Sapotaceae Species through Community-Based Reforestation in Eastern Cameroon’s Doumaintang

Funding source: Rufford Foundation Project Leader: Cédric DJOMO CHIMI A Communal Forest (CF) is a framework for effective participatory forest…

Improvement of ecological knowledge of threatened species and behavioral change concerning their conservation in Cameroon’s Doumaintang communal forest

Funding source: Rufford Foundation Project Leader: Cédric DJOMO CHIMI Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management (CSM) issues are sometimes neglected in…

Ecology, spatial modeling of high-priority species for conservation and Community-based involvement in their conservation in the Doume Communal forest in Cameroon

Funding source: Rufford Foundation Project Leader: Jules Christian ZEKENG   Our previous projects showed the potential in terms of ecosystems…

Prospective study in the context of conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity in the Deng-Deng massif forest by the production of the improved forest seedlings

Funding source: IRAD by Public Investment Budget (BIP 2019) Start date: May 2020 End date: December 2020. Project Leader: Cédric…

Plant diversity, conservation concerns and carbon in the Doume Communal forest of Cameroon: Implications for sustainable forest Management.

Start date: January 2018 End date: December 2020. Project Leader: Jules Christian ZEKENG Plant diversity conservation has become one of…


Climate Justice

Allometrics equation establishment

More than 10 000 allometric equations exist today for stand trees biomass estimation in tropical forests of Africa. Still, some studies…

Biomass & carbon estimation

Studies on biomass estimation are under the context of Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) as a mitigation…


Our focus on conserving wild places, empowering local people and putting science and technology to work has been shaped by the people and land where we began