Feedback Workshop of the Project “Improvement of ecological knowledge of threatened species and behavioral change concerning their conservation in Cameroon’s Doumaintang communal forest”

Under the leadership of the NGO CSNRM-Net, a restitution and sensitization workshop on the conservation and sustainable management of the biodiversity of the Doumaintang communal forest (DFC) took place on May 5, 2022, in the conference room of the Doumaintang town hall in eastern Cameroon. This workshop is part of the “Improvement of ecological knowledge of threatened species and behavioral change concerning their conservation in Cameroon’s Doumaintang communal forest” project funded by the Rufford Foundation. 25 actors representing the forestry unit, the municipal and sub-prefectural authorities, the village chiefs and the various forestry committees of the 8 villages bordering the DFC were present. The workshop started with welcoming remarks by the representative of the NGO CSNRM-Net Coordinator, Dr. Chimi Djomo Cédric, the Mayor of Doumaintang, and the representative of the Sub-prefect of the Doumaintang district. Afterward, several communications were given. The first one was about the presentation of the project, the objectives, and the project’s expectations. The second presentation focused on the results of the ecosystem services produced by the target species and the CFD to the target populations obtained during the socio-economic surveys and the awareness sessions through focus groups. The third presentation shared with the participants the results obtained on the availability of the study’s target species in the DFC. A fourth presentation presented the threats to the target species and biodiversity of the DFC. The workshop’s last and most important activity was the exchange of strategies for sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity in the Doumaintang district.

We want to thank the participants and the municipal authorities of the Doumaintang commune.