Our Executive Board provides expertise and financial support while our staff are passionate about environmental conservation and share a deep commitment for our mission of conserving and sustainable manage the Cameroon’s natural resources

Dr. Jules Christian Zekeng

Executive President (CEO)

Dr. Jules Christian Zekeng

Executive President (CEO)

Jules Christian Zekeng currently serves cumulatively as Executive President (CEO) of CSNRM-NET Executive Board and Postdoctoral Researcher at the ORTARChI-Environment & Development of the Copperbelt University in Zambia.


Dr. Nadège Tagnang Madountsap

Vice President

Dr. Nadège Tagnang Madountsap

Vice President

Nadège Tagnang Madountsap currently serves as Vice President of CSNRM-Net Executive Board. She is also Lecturer at the Department of Plant Biology of the University of Douala in Cameroon since 2020. She has served and continues to serve on several Boards involved in Biological conservation.


Mr. Florent Laurent Etoundi Menyene

General Secretary

Mr. Florent Laurent Etoundi Menyene

General Secretary

Florent Laurent Etoundi Menyene currently serves as Secretary General for CSNRM-Net Executive Board. He is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Research of Agriculture for Development (IRAD) of the Ministry of Scientific Innovation in Cameroon since 2016.


Ms. Carole Mireil Votio Tchoupou

Executive Board Treasure

Ms. Carole Mireil Votio Tchoupou

Executive Board Treasure

Carole Mireil Votio Tchoupou currently serves as Treasurer for CSNRM-Net Executive Board. She is a Administratif Staff at the Ministry of Scientific Innovation in Cameroon since 2020.


Dr. Hubert Kpoumie Mounmemie

Executive Board Financial Officer

Dr. Hubert Kpoumie Mounmemie

Executive Board Financial Officer

Hubert Kpoumie Mounmemi currently serves as Financial Officer for CSNRM-Net Executive Board. He is also Administratif Staff at the National Herbarium of Cameroon of the IRAD since 2021.


Mrs. Olivia Elvire Tonleu Manezeu

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Olivia Elvire Tonleu Manezeu

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Olivia Elvire Tonleu Manezeu is a holder of a MSc and currently serves as Deputy Chief Executive Officer for CSNRM-Net Staff. She is also a act for the NGO Cameroon Biodiversity Protection Programm where she is in charge of an environmental education centre in Mbakaou, Adamaoua region of Cameroon.


Mr. Forbi Preasious Funwi

Development and Communication Manager

Mr. Forbi Preasious Funwi

Development and Communication Manager

Forbi Preasious Funwi is a holder of an MSc. in Botany and Ecology and currently serves as Development and Communication Manager for CSNRM-Net. He is also, Coordinating Lead Author for Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Human Well-being, within the framework of the Cameroon National Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, project ongoing.


Dr. Cédric Djomo Chimi

Program Manager

Dr. Cédric Djomo Chimi

Program Manager

Cédric Djomo Chimi currently serves as Program Manager for CSNRM-Net Staff. He is also a Senior Research at the Institute of Research of Agriculture for Development (IRAD) of the Ministry of Scientific Innovation in Cameroon since 2018.


Ms. Guylene Ngoukwa

Deputy Program Manager

Ms. Guylene Ngoukwa

Deputy Program Manager

Guylene Ngoukwa currently serves as Deputy Program Manager for CSNRM-Net Staff. She is also a Ph.D student at the Department of Plant Biology of the University of Yaounde I.


Ms. Rozane Wandji Sakou

Deputy Research Unit Manager

Ms. Rozane Wandji Sakou

Deputy Research Unit Manager

Rozane Wandji Sakou is a holder of an MSc. in Agroforestry and currently serves as Deputy Research Unit Manager for CSNRM-Net.


Dr. Patrice Zemko Patrice

Deputy Research Unit Manager

Dr. Patrice Zemko Patrice

Deputy Research Unit Manager


Dr. Patrick Tsopbou Ngueagni

Research Unit Manager

Dr. Patrick Tsopbou Ngueagni

Research Unit Manager

Patrick Tsopbou Ngueagni currently serves as Research Units Manager for CSNRM-Net Staff. He is a researcher working on Integrated water resources management, Applied chemistry, Hydraulics, Heterogeneous catalysis, Sustainable development thematics.
